
  • Publications
  • Extended Producer Responsibility in Singapore’s Resource Sustainability Act

Extended Producer Responsibility in Singapore’s Resource Sustainability Act

Year of Publication: 2019
Month of Publication: 10
Author(s): Eric Bea and Melissa Low
Research Area(s): Environmental Law
Name of Working Paper Series:

NUS Law Working Paper

WPS Paper Number: APCEL-WPS-1904

With the introduction of the Resource Sustainability Act (RSA) on 5 August 2019, Singapore has embarked on its journey towards building a circular economy. Circularity was further emphasized and detailed in the Zero Waste Masterplan 2019 (ZWMP) launched on 30 August 2019. One of the main pillars of the Resource Sustainability Act (RSA) which was passed in Parliament on 4 September 2019, is the introduction of the Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) scheme for electronic waste by 2021. Under the ZWMP, EPR will also be extended to packaging waste by 2025. This paper will review the consultative democratic exercise of the Year Towards Zero Waste (YTZW) that has shaped the RSA, the new e-waste EPR provisions in the RSA, as well as highlight the complexities in extending EPR to packaging waste.