
  • Publications
  • Stepping Up to the Challenges for Green Recovery: Indonesia-EU Green Deal

Stepping Up to the Challenges for Green Recovery: Indonesia-EU Green Deal

Year of Publication: 2021
Month of Publication: 12
Author(s): Linda Yanti Sulistiawati
Research Area(s): Indonesian Law
Name of Working Paper Series:

NUS Law Working Paper No. 2021/025

NUS Asia-Pacific Centre for Environment Law Working Paper 21/06

WPS Paper Number: APCEL-WPS-2106

Opportunities for the development of a joint green partnership between EU and Indonesia lie in a convergence of Green Deal instruments and objectives with Indonesia’s national development plan. In this context, the sustainable management and protection of peatland, marine and coastal zones, and forests, not least in view of Indonesia’s palm oil production, are important areas of cooperation. The Green Deal is also set to constitute a new point of orientation in the development of the Indonesia-EU Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement. At the same time, the public in Indonesia does not show a clear understanding of the urgency regarding the protection of climate and the global sustainability agenda as COVID-19 and recovery from the pandemic dominate the public discourse. Against this background, the EU needs to take into account influences and alternative cooperation opportunities for Indonesia in the region, in particular with China.