
Australian National University 
Visiting Researcher


In Residence

25 April 2023 to 15 August 2023

Joseph Negrine is a penultimate year student at the Australian National University, studying a double degree of Law (Honours) and Arts (Economics and Philosophy). He is spending 2023 in the Asia-Pacific as part of the New Colombo Plan Scholarship—a program that supports high-achieving Australian undergraduate students to study abroad and work in the Asia-Pacific region.

While studying at NUS under Associate Professor Jolene Lin, Joseph wrote a research paper on ClientEarth’s derivative action against Shell, and the use of directors’ duties as a tool for climate litigation in common law countries. Central to this paper was a personal concern about corporate responsibility in cooperatively enabling the transition to a low-carbon economy.

Joseph hopes to draw on his interests in complexity theory and access to justice issues to better understand how sociopolitical and institutional factors affect the likely success of climate action.

– Climate Change and Access to Justice

– Climate-Related Financial Disclosure

– Global Governance

– Law and Society / Law in Action