Research Workshop on Paris Rulebook Negotiators Guide

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  • Research Workshop on Paris Rulebook Negotiators Guide


Time:9:30 am to 12:00 pm (SGT)
Venue:Tower Block Level 8 meeting room
Type of Participation:Participation by Invitation Only


The Asia-Pacific Centre for Environmental Law, NUS Law (APCEL) and NUS Centre for Nature-based Climate Solutions is hosting a Research Workshop to finalise the Paris Rulebook Negotiators Guide that we started developing since 2020. This guide is intended for new negotiators from developing countries to have an overview of the articles in the Paris Agreement and the surrounding debates.

The guide will consist of a reproduction of the Paris Agreement, Paris Rulebook, and relevant COP Decisions (annotated), and an analysis of the texts. This would fill in a gap in the existing literature on the Paris Agreement and Rulebook, and will be written in a manner accessible to the layperson. The guide is meant to be a capacity-building resource for all who need it, and at the National University of Singapore, we are excited to contribute towards capacity building after having attended COPs as an accredited observer organisation for over a decade. For more information about how NUS has been involved at COPs in the past, click here.

Structure: The guide will be structured in a logical grouping of the substantive articles of the Paris Agreement:

Part I: Mitigation and Nationally Determined Contributions (Articles 3-4)

Part II: Adaptation and Loss & Damage (Articles 7-8)

Part III: Cooperative Approaches, Finance, and Technology Transfer (Articles 6, 9-10)

Part IV: Capacity-Building, Transparency, Global Stocktake, and Implementation and Compliance (Articles 11-15)


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