APCEL Student Outreach Pilot: Dunman High School

  • Events
  • APCEL Student Outreach Pilot: Dunman High School


Venue:NUS Law, Bukit Timah Campus
Type of Participation:Participation by Invitation Only



On 6 June 2022, APCEL launched the pilot session of our student outreach programme. 40 Junior College students from Dunman High School’s Law Society were invited to the NUS Law campus for a morning of talks on the importance of environmental law and the work that environmental law researchers do.

The morning began with a spread of refreshments, which were deliberately served in a sustainable manner – students actively participated in bringing their own reusable containers and cups. Following a round of introductions, Dr. Sroyon Mukherjee (APCEL Research Fellow) introduced the students to basic concepts of environmental law, including what it is, how it developed, and what principles operate within it.

The second talk was delivered by Dr. Jolene Lin (APCEL Director) about climate change litigation, particularly in the context of the Global South. She spoke about the socio-political strategies behind launching climate change litigation and how various decisions have upheld obligations of governments and companies to protect the environment. She also highlighted the growing number of cases being launched by youth plaintiffs against governments and corporations for climate inaction.

In the final talk, Selene Tanne (APCEL Research Assistant) shared about the structure and mission of APCEL, emphasising the important role that research centres play in developing our collective understanding of environmental issues and shaping our legal, regulatory, and policy responses to them.

After the series of short talks, the event culminated in an interactive Q&A session. Students posed questions regarding the relationship between poverty and the climate crisis, how legislation can combat greenwashing, and how youths should further environmental sustainability in their own capacities.