APCEL Student Outreach Pilot: Nanyang Junior College

  • Events
  • APCEL Student Outreach Pilot: Nanyang Junior College


Venue:NUS Law, Bukit Timah Campus
Type of Participation:Participation by Invitation Only


APCEL Student Outreach Pilot: Nanyang Junior College

On 8 December 2022, APCEL hosted 25 students from Nanyang Junior College for a morning of talks on environmental law and the work that environmental law researchers do.

The morning began with a breakfast spread, which students were served in their own reusable containers and cups. Dr Tara Davenport (APCEL Deputy Director) then welcomed the students and started the session with a round of introductions.

Dr Sroyon Mukherjee (APCEL Research Fellow) presented the first segment that introduced the students to basic concepts of environmental law, including what it is, how it developed, and some of its key principles.

The second segment was delivered by Sean Tseng (APCEL Adjunct Researcher) about climate change litigation, particularly in the context of the Global South. He spoke about the socio-political strategies behind launching climate change litigation and how various decisions have upheld obligations of governments and companies to protect the environment. He also shared about his work as a Legal Adviser in ClientEarth, an NGO that uses the law to advance environmental protection.

In the closing segment, Selene Tanne (APCEL Research Assistant) shared about how Singapore is using policy and regulatory instruments under the Singapore Green Plan 2030 to meet its environmental goals, including those set out under the Paris Agreement. She explained the difference between mitigation and adaption, and talked about how both are crucial in the face of climate change.

The event culminated in an interactive Q&A session. Students posed questions regarding the tension between environmental and economic interests, the progress made by the global community in combating climate change, and the role of law in upholding environmental interests.

APCEL Research Fellow, Sroyon MUKHERJEE, presenting on “Introduction to Environmental Law”

APCEL Adjunct Senior Research Fellow, Sean D. TSENG, presenting on “Climate Change Litigation”

APCEL Research Assistant, Selene TANNE, presenting on “The Climate Change Regime in Singapore”

Group Photo

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