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  • 20th ASLI (Asian Law Institute) Conference from 31 MAY- 1 JUNE 2023

20th ASLI (Asian Law Institute) Conference from 31 MAY- 1 JUNE 2023

June 7, 2023 | In the News

Linda Yanti Sulistiawati, APCEL’s Senior Research Fellow, presented her newest research in the 20th ASLI (Asian Law Institute) Conference ‘Inclusivity and Diversity in the Context of Asian Law’, on 31st of May 2023.  Her research ‘ASEAN (Nationally Determined Contribution) NDC’s: Assessing Sub National Regulations in Indonesia and the Philippines’ highlighted the importance of sub-national regulations in NDC implementations in ASEAN, specifically Indonesia and the Philippines. This study further identifies the root causes of the problem in relation to NDCs and climate change policies and regulations at the local level.  The research concluded that sub-national level governments are yet to formulate comprehensive NDC implementation arrangements at the subnational level.