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  • Celebrating APCEL’s 25th Anniversary: Environmental Governance in the Shipping Sector

Celebrating APCEL’s 25th Anniversary: Environmental Governance in the Shipping Sector

This seminar is the final installation of a 3-part series on corporations and future of environmental sustainability moderated by APCEL Visiting Researcher, Ghislaine Nadaud. The speakers are:

Mr Roel Hoenders
Head of Atmospheric Pollution and Energy Efficiency Section, IMO

Mr Damien Meadows
Advisor on EU and International carbon markets and DG CLIMA, European Commission

Mr Shanker Pillai
Head of Innovation, Hafnia

Mrs Karianne Tieleman
Head of Sustainability Advisory, ABN AMRO

Dr Ricardo Pereira
Adjunct Research Associate Professor, APCEL, NUS Law

With various developments to regulations and industry standards to reduce carbon emissions, ship-owners are keenly aware of the urgent need to aim for carbon neutrality. To achieve the greenhouse gas reduction targets established by the IMO, the global shipping fleet will need to be modernized and new fuel supply networks developed. However, the challenge is enormous: to move cargo across the oceans, ships require huge amounts of energy and an entirely new generation of zero-carbon fuels and a new generation of technologies will need to be developed. In addition, many of the potential zero-carbon fuels such as ammonia and hydrogen present serious operational challenges.

In this webinar, we will hear from various stakeholders in the shipping industry, and aim to answer the following questions: What are their experiences and views on the decarbonisation of international shipping? What is the role for regulation vis-a-vis finance and market driven tools? What are the hurdles that need to be overcome? What are the opportunities and benefits?