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  • Danielle Yeow, Visiting Researcher at APCEL, collaborated on a recently published legal paper titled “The Legal Character of Voluntary Carbon Credits: A Way Forward” (March 2024)

Danielle Yeow, Visiting Researcher at APCEL, collaborated on a recently published legal paper titled “The Legal Character of Voluntary Carbon Credits: A Way Forward” (March 2024)

April 3, 2024 | In the News

Danielle Yeow, Visiting Researcher at the Asia-Pacific Centre for Environmental Law (APCEL), collaborated on a recently published legal paper titled “The Legal Character of Voluntary Carbon Credits: A Way Forward” (March 2024). The paper is jointly produced by GenZero and Allen & Gledhill LLP and reviewed by Danielle Yeow and Joyce Lai, Executive Director Group Legal and Compliance – Sustainability / ESG Lead, DBS Bank Ltd.

The paper raises awareness of how clarity as to the legal character of voluntary carbon credits (VCCs) can enable the scaling of the voluntary carbon market and climate finance. Exploring the underlying legal principles and recent case law applicable in Singapore, the paper argues that regulators should aim for legal clarity on the legal characterisation of VCCs, and ideally, VCCs should be treated as intangible property.

Read the paper here: