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  • Dr Sroyon Mukherjee on the Polluter Pays Principle in the Journal of Environmental Law

Dr Sroyon Mukherjee on the Polluter Pays Principle in the Journal of Environmental Law

July 5, 2023 | In the News

APCEL Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Dr Sroyon Mukherjee, has published his article, “How Much Should the Polluter Pay? Indian Courts and the Valuation of Environmental Damage.” in the Journal of Environmental Law, the leading peer-reviewed journal in the field of environmental law.

While the polluter pays principle (PPP) appears intuitive, Dr Mukherjee’s article highlights the complexities that arise in the PPP’s application. Central to the article is the question: how much should the polluter pay? Analyzing the Indian jurisprudence, Dr Mukherjee identifies three distinct strands in the approaches that the courts have taken in interpreting the PPP. Dr Mukherjee’s analysis serves to improve our holistic understanding of the PPP, a principle which has become increasingly important since its first appearance in a legal context over fifty years ago. This analysis will enable the principle’s application to be ‘more consistent, logical and effective’ moving forward.