
  • Publications
  • The Beijing Consensus and Possible Lessons from the “Singapore Model”?

The Beijing Consensus and Possible Lessons from the “Singapore Model”?

Year of Publication: 2016
Month of Publication: 1
Author(s): Tan Cheng Han S.C.
Research Area(s): Corporate Law
Name of Working Paper Series:

NUS Law Working Paper

WPS Paper Number: CALS-WPS-1601

This paper suggests that there is very little substance to the so-called Beijing Consensus. Instead, China's political system is simply the consequence of the communist triumph over the Kuomintang, and her economic approach the reversal of the disastrous policies of the Mao period coupled with lessons learnt from the economic development of other Asian economies including Singapore. As Singapore is often touted as a model for China, this paper sets out an important but often underappreciated element that underpins Singapore's success, namely its democratic system of government. It suggests that this may be the most important lesson that China can learn from Singapore.