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  • [CALS] Comparative Civil Law Seminar, “Why can we not achieve a more stable peace in international society? : Historical reflections on Japan’s Fascism in the 1930s”

[CALS] Comparative Civil Law Seminar, “Why can we not achieve a more stable peace in international society? : Historical reflections on Japan’s Fascism in the 1930s”

September 11, 2023 | Programmes, Research

In his seminar, Professor Hisashi Harata from University of Tokyo shared his observations and insights on the Japanese government system in the 1930s that saw the rise of military leaders. He noted several factors that contributed to the totalitarianisation and militarisation of Japanese society in the 1920s and 30s, the interrelationships between these factors and their influence on people’s mindsets, and the relevance it holds for today’s international community. The seminar was moderated by Professor Chen Weitseng, Cluster Coordinator for Comparative Civil Law at the Centre for Asian Legal Studies (CALS) at NUS Law.