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  • [CALS] Virtual Roundtables on Asian Law – Book Discussion on “Democracy under God: Constitutions, Islam and Human Rights in the Muslim World”

[CALS] Virtual Roundtables on Asian Law – Book Discussion on “Democracy under God: Constitutions, Islam and Human Rights in the Muslim World”

February 23, 2024 | Programmes

On 22 February 2024, the Centre for Asian Legal Studies (CALS) hosted a Virtual Roundtable on Asian Law (ViRAL) session, discussing Dawood Ahmed and Muhammad Zubair Abbasi’s latest publication, “Democracy under God: Constitutions, Islam and Human Rights in the Muslim World” (Cambridge University Press 2023). Joined by panellists Muhammad Zubair Abbasi (Oxford Brookes University), Ali Shirvani (Northwest University), Marva Khan (Lahore University of Management Sciences), and Shamshad Pasarlay (The University of Chicago), the session delved into the Book’s original contribution in debunking the common assumption that the incorporation of Islam in constitutions is necessarily in tension with the protection of human rights. The conversation also touched on the Book’s empirical methodology for ranking the Islamicity of the constitutions of Muslim-majority countries. The session was moderated by Teng Li (National University of Singapore).