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  • The Centre for Asian Legal Studies Celebratory Opening

The Centre for Asian Legal Studies Celebratory Opening

September 26, 2013 | School

The Centre for Asian Legal Studies (CALS) at NUS Law celebrated the occupation of their physical space and opening with a welcoming dinner buffet on the 27 September 2013. A momentous event for NUS Law, the office at Block B marks a new beginning for CALS which is the first of its kind to be established in Asia.

In his welcome address, Professor Andrew Harding, Director of CALS, said: “Although we have been operating since May 2012, having a great, literally physical, space in which we can interact and ask others to join us is a tremendous advantage. The effects of physical space on the mind are well documented, and we are delighted with the new Centre and what it represents.”

With the new opening, Prof Harding would like to give “big thanks to our Dean, our staff, and to the NUS designers and team that brought this about. We are already making very good use of our new space in the interests of spreading ideas about law throughout the region and beyond.”

From left: Professor Tan Cheng Han SC, Asst Professor Soosay Sundram and Professor Harding at the opening of the Centre for Asian Legal Studies.