Shaowei LIN
In Residence
Lin Shaowei is an Associate Professor at Southwest University of Political Science and Law, Civil and Commercial Law School, Chongqing, China. After obtaining his LL.B. and Master of Laws (MA in Law) from Southwest University of Political Science and Law, he completed his LL.M. at King’s College London and received his PhD from University of Edinburgh. His main research interests are company law, comparative law, law and finance, securities law, trust law, charity law, equity law and commercial law. Some of his recent publications are Corporate Ownership and Control (Law Press, 2018) (translation), Lectures on Jurisprudence (China People’s University Press, 2017) (translation), “How AI Affects Company Law: Challenges and Responses” (2018), 4 The Journal of East China University of Political Science and Law, “The Empirical Studies of China’s Enterprise Bankruptcy Law: Problems and Improvements” (2018), 27(1), International Insolvency Review. He has held visiting appointments at The University of Hong Kong, The University of British Columbia and Martin-Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg.