
  • Publications
  • Indigenous Interactions: Administrative Law and the Syariah in Malaysia

Indigenous Interactions: Administrative Law and the Syariah in Malaysia

Year of Publication: 2021
Month of Publication: 3
Author(s): Dian A. H. Shah and Kevin Y.L Tan
Research Area(s): Constitutional and Administrative Law
Book Title: Judicial Review of Administrative Action Across the Common Law World
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
Abstract: This chapter examines the complex relationship between Syariah law on the practice of administrative law in Malaysia. While Article 3 of the Federal Constitution states that Islam is the ‘official religion’ of the Federation, all other religions are to be practised ‘in peace and harmony’. However, the Constitution further provides that it is the constituent states who regulate of religious matters, not the Federation. At the same time, Malaysian administrative law is based on English common law. This chapter attempts to make sense of the oftentimes conflicting and contradictory decisions by the courts when Syariah intersects with administrative law resulting from these complex interactions.