
  • Publications
  • Judicial Minimalism as Towering: Singapore’s Chief Justice Chan Sek Keong

Judicial Minimalism as Towering: Singapore’s Chief Justice Chan Sek Keong

Year of Publication: 2021
Month of Publication: 3
Author(s): Jaclyn L Neo and Kevin Y.L. Tan
Research Area(s): Constitutional and Administrative Law
Book Title: Towering Judges: A Comparative Study of Constitutional Judges
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
Abstract: This chapter examines the role and contributions of Singapore’s third Chief Justice, Chan Sek Keong, in the field of public law. It argues that while Chan served only six years as Chief Justice (2006–2012), his impact on the court and its approach to constitutional adjudication was so important and significant as to warrant him being inducted into the pantheon of ‘towering judges’.