Oversight of Systemically Relevant Insurance Practices Within the EU: The Role of Macroprudential Supervision

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  • Oversight of Systemically Relevant Insurance Practices Within the EU: The Role of Macroprudential Supervision


Speaker:Dr Miriam Goldby, Centre for Commercial Law Studies, Queen Mary University of London, United Kingdom
Time:9:30 am to 10:30 am (SGT)
Venue:Conference Room, Block B, NUS Law (Bukit Timah Campus)
Type of Participation:Open To NUS Law Community


Dr Goldby and Ms Keller argue that in order to achieve the aims of macro-prudential supervision, it is insufficient to pay enhanced attention to insurance institutions designated as Global Systemically Important Insurers (GSIIs) and that systemic risks that may emanate from practices prevalent in the insurance sector, practices which increase interconnectedness and common exposures, need to be addressed. They argue that in view of the fact that these practices may give rise to the materialisation of systemic risk, even if the entities engaging in them remain solvent, they are more appropriately addressed by macrorather than micro-prudential oversight. The purpose of this research is to assess the extent to which the European Systemic Risk Board (ESRB), a macroprudential supervisory body set up in the wake of the recent crisis, is equipped to address such risks.

About The Speaker

Dr Miriam Goldby is a Senior Lecturer in Shipping, Insurance and Commercial Law, Deputy Director of the Insurance Law Institute and convenor of the MA in Law by Research Programme at the Centre for Commercial Law Studies, QMUL. She joined CCLS in September 2012 as lecturer in Insurance and Commercial Law. Together with Dr Tina Loverdou, she designed and launched the Centre’s LLM in International Shipping Law in 2013. She is currently Senior Lecturer in Shipping, Insurance and Commercial Law, Deputy Director of the Centre’s Insurance Law Institute and Convenor of the MA by Research Programme.

She lectures in the areas of International Shipping Law, Insurance Law and International Commercial Law, and her research interests are also focused in these fields. Since January 2014 she has also taught English Contract Law on the Centre’s LLM in Paris programme. Prior to joining CCLS, she conducted research as a Visiting Scholar at George Washington University in Washington DC, USA. Between September 2007 and December 2010 she held a lectureship post at the University of Surrey. She read for her PhD degree at University College London where she also held the post of teaching fellow between January 2004 and August 2007. She has written extensively on various areas of commercial and financial law. Her book, Electronic Documents in Maritime Trade: Law and Practice was published by OUP in 2013. She co-edited with Dr Andromachi Georgosouli the book Systemic Risk and the Future of Insurance Regulation published by Informa in 2015.

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(E) cbfl@nus.edu.sg

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Centre for Banking & Finance Law