
  • Publications
  • Moneylending and Transparency: What Can We Learn from Consumer Experiences with Onelyst?

Moneylending and Transparency: What Can We Learn from Consumer Experiences with Onelyst?

Year of Publication: 2017
Month of Publication: 3
Author(s): Jodi Gardner
Research Area(s): Banking and Finance Law
Name of Working Paper Series:


WPS Paper Number: CBFL-WP-JG03

This report analyses one service that is attempting to bring increased transparency and competition to the moneylending market in Singapore. It is the result of an exciting collaboration between academia (National University of Singapore & Oxford University, Jodi Gardner), a consumer organisation (Credit Counselling Singapore, Tan Huey Min) and the commercial sector (Onelyst, Mohamed Abbas, Hizam Ismail, Prakash Raja). The collaboration was developed to analyse consumer experiences using Onelyst’s loan comparison tools and to determine what this may show us about transparency and moneylending in Singapore. There are three main sections. The first discusses the background to the report and collaboration. The second outlines the empirical research, including the methodology used and the survey responses. The third and final section considers what we can learn from the process, including the importance of undertaken further qualitative empirical research on this topic.