Centre for Future-ready Graduates@Law


Attend Law Career Talks >>

CFG@LAW organizes weekly careers talks throughout the academic year where law graduates, who have taken different paths in law, are invited to speak to students. CFG@LAW also organizes workshops to improve student’s soft skills/employability.

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Attend CFG Career Events >>

Find information on NUS wide career fairs, recruitment talks and networking sessions to network with potential employers.

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I AM A STUDENT - Attend CFG Career Events

Access our Video Library>>

Watch videos on past Career Talks to learn about the different practice areas that might interest you.

Login with your NUSNET ID.

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Attorney Assessment Career Tool >>

Take the Attorney Assessment to learn the best fit for your legal career based upon your individual mindset & personality traits.

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Attend Law Careers Fair >>

The NUS Law Careers Fair is an annual event jointly organised by the NUS Centre for Future-ready Graduates@Law and Law Club.

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Career Options in International and Public Interest Law >>

Click to find some useful links on International and Public Interest Law Opportunities.

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Register for NUS Law Alumni Mentor Programme (LAMP) >>

The NUS Law Alumni Mentor Programme (LAMP) links first and second year LLB & JD students and LL.M. students with young alumni, who can provide insights and guidance to the practice of law.

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