Centre for Future-ready Graduates@Law

NUS Law Alumni Mentor Programme (LAMP)

The NUS Law Alumni Mentor Programme (LAMP) links first and second year LLB & JD students and LL.M. students with young alumni, who can provide insights and guidance to the practice of law. At the same time, we hope the programme will provide an opportunity for greater engagement with our alumni.

Mentors and Mentees will be asked to commit to the programme for a year, with the expectation of meeting once a semester in person. We understand of course that our Mentors are busy people, and meetings can take place at their offices if appropriate. The hope is that Alumni Mentors will provide first hand experiences and insights on the legal profession, as well as practical guidance, encouragement and support. Student Mentees will have the opportunity to become better equipped to make well-informed decisions about their professional development.

Click here to view the photos from LAMP AY23/24 Launch Event!

Prospective Mentees

Programme Eligibility
LAMP is open to all first and second year NUS Law students currently enrolled at the NUS Faculty of Law. The programme was extended to include LLM students in AY18/19, and starting from AY21/22, we have also been delighted to include students from our Juris Doctor cohort.

Mentee Expectations
The success of a mentoring relationship is largely dependent on Mentees’ abilities to engage their Mentors. As such, it is important that you understand your role in the programme:

  • Understand the role of a Mentor. A Mentor's role is to share his/her experience and provide information and advice. A Mentor's role is NOT to find you a job, circulate your resume or share his network of personal contacts. A Mentor will help guide you, so you can make choices or take action on your own to work towards your desired career.
  • Initiate contact with your Mentor. Determine an appropriate way to stay in touch once the Mentoring relationship has started but be polite, patient and non-intrusive.
  • Take an active role. Be proactive, ask questions. Take initiative to do your research before meeting your Mentor. Listen attentively and be open-minded. If your assigned Mentor is unable to attend the LAMP Launch Event, make contact with him/her to arrange a separate date & time to meet or speak, and make the most of your time at the event by connecting with other alumni mentors present.
  • Know yourself. Be aware of your strengths, weaknesses, and what you hope to accomplish through
  • LAMP. Share this information openly with your Mentor.
  • Be prepared. Come to meetings prepared with topics and questions for discussion.
  • Be respectful. Be respectful of your Mentor’s time and schedule. Once you have established contact with your Mentors, consult them on the appropriate frequency and means of keeping in touch.
  • Be professional. Dress appropriately (business attire) and always conduct yourself in a professional and mature manner.
  • Show your appreciation to your Mentor. Send him/her a thank you note. Share with your Mentor how his/her advice has been of assistance.
  • Be dependable, honest and trustworthy. Do not change meeting dates/times and always be on time. Do also respect any confidences shared with you.

Making the Most Out of NUS Law Alumni Mentor Programme (LAMP)
If you are interested to sign up as a LAMP Mentee, please read this document first to understand how you can make the most out of LAMP.

Sign Up to Be a Mentee
Registration for LAMP AY24/25 will open in August 2024.

Category Registration Deadline Registration
1st & 2nd Year LLB / JD Students TBC Click here to register
LLM Students TBC Click here to register

Contact for LAMP Mentees
Ms Genevieve Chia
Careers Advisor
NUS Centre for Future-ready Graduates (CFG)
Email : genevieve.chia@nus.edu.sg
Email : lawcareers@nus.edu.sg

Prospective Mentors

Information for Mentors
To find out information for mentors, please read more here.

Contact for LAMP Mentors

Ms Jo-Ann Marie Chan
Associate Director
Alumni Relations & Development, NUS Law
Email : lawlink@nus.edu.sg

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)