Russell Adam 

Research Assistant

Russell graduated from the National University of Singapore in 2023 with a Bachelor of Laws (First Class Honours). He was awarded the Helmsman Singapore Prize in Maritime Law; the Maritime Law Association of Singapore Prize in Charterparties; the Maritime Law Association of Singapore Prize in Carriage of Goods by Sea; the Clifford Chance Prize in International Commercial Arbitration; the M Karthigesu Memorial Prize in Admiralty Law & Practice; and the Singapore Academy of Law Prize in Singapore Law in Context. Russell was also a former Chief Editor of the Singapore Law Review, and Associate Editor of the Singapore Journal of Legal Studies.


Block B, BB-02-01


LL.B. (First Class Hons)

In Residence

10 July 2023 to 3 September 2023
  • Admiralty Law
  • Shipping Law
  • Domestic and International Sale of Goods
  • International Commercial Arbitration
  • Remedies