
Research Associate

Mr Bulat Karimov is a Research Associate at the Centre for Maritime Law (CML). He obtained his LLB from the top-ranking National Research University Higher School of Economics (HSE) in Moscow, where he came first in his cohort. He was formerly an Associate at NAVICUS.LAW in St Petersburg. Bulat has just completed his LLM (Shipping Law) at the University of Cape Town (UCT). His LLM dissertation was supervised by Associate Professor Graham Bradfield, and the dissertation title was “Arrest in South Africa of Ships Associated by Common Control of State-Owned Companies”.



(65) 6601 7963
Block B, BB-02-01


LLM (Shipping Law) (Cape Town)

LLB (National Research University of Higher School of Economics, Moscow)

In Residence

4 December 2023 to 3 December 2024

Mr Bulat Karimov is a Research Associate at the Centre for Maritime Law (CML). He obtained his LLB from the top-ranking National Research University Higher School of Economics (HSE) in Moscow, where he came first in his cohort. He was formerly an Associate at NAVICUS.LAW in St Petersburg. Bulat has just completed his LLM (Shipping Law) at the University of Cape Town (UCT). His LLM dissertation was supervised by Associate Professor Graham Bradfield, and the dissertation title was “Arrest in South Africa of Ships Associated by Common Control of State-Owned Companies”.


  • Bulat Karimov, ‘The Legal Nature of Freight Forwarding Contracts: Foreign Experience and Russian Understanding’ (2023) Maritime Law 4
  • Bulat Karimov (2022) ‘Limitation of Liability of a Freight Forwarder and his Contractual Counterparties’ (2022) Maritime Law 1, 61-65
  • Bulat Karimov, The Legal Nature of the Contract of Carriage of Goods: Foreign Experience and Russian Understanding’ (2022) Maritime Law 3, 88–105


  • Admiralty Jurisdiction
  • Arrest
  • Conflict of Laws
  • Maritime Law and New Technologies

Research Project

Arrest of Ships Associated by Common Control from the International Law Perspective

The research will deal with the problem of the arrest of ships not owned by a person liable. The International conventions on the arrest of ships (both 1952 and 1999) do not stipulate the general possibility of arresting the ships not owned by the person liable. However, the 1999 Arrest Convention stipulates that the states may provide such possibility at the national law level, subverting the purpose of unification. The research aims to find whether it is possible to introduce the provisions allowing the arrest of ships not owned by the person liable at the international level and how to gain more widespread acceptance of these rules by the national governments.