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  • Book Publication: Carver on Charterparties (2nd edn) by Stephen Girvin

Book Publication: Carver on Charterparties (2nd edn) by Stephen Girvin

January 5, 2021 | Faculty, Research

Carver on Charterparties, in conjunction with Carver on Bills of Lading, covers the ground of the classic 1982 treatise Carver’s Carriage by Sea (which in its time ran to 13 editions, starting in 1885). As with the first edition, Carver on Charterparties, 2nd edition, is written by members of the leading shipping chambers in London, 7 King’s Bench Walk, with Professor Howard Bennett as general editor and NUS’s Professor Stephen Girvin as one of the contributing editors. The new edition builds upon the thematic synthesis and analysis in this fundamental area of shipping law and, as the preface explains, the authors’ aim “has been to get to grips with the iron-salt of the law of charterparties, by developing a treatise which focuses on the cases in an area whose life-blood is the common law”.

Book details here