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  • Book Publication: Maritime Cross-Border Insolvency under the UNCITRAL Model Law Regime by Dr Xu Jingchen

Book Publication: Maritime Cross-Border Insolvency under the UNCITRAL Model Law Regime by Dr Xu Jingchen

December 14, 2020 | In the News, Research

This book covers the pressing issues of cross-border cases involving admiralty and bankruptcy law. What should happen when a shipowner files an insolvency proceeding in one country, while at the same time facing an in rem action against its vessel in another country? Should the in rem action arising in one country be stayed or dismissed because of the existence of insolvency proceedings in another country? The book also proposes a solution to help eliminate the ambiguity arising from maritime cross-border insolvency cases under the UNCITRAL Model Law regime, with a view to enhancing the development of the shipping industry.

Details of the book can be found here.