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  • CML CMI Database: MV Kumar v United India Marine Services, 7 June 2023

CML CMI Database: MV Kumar v United India Marine Services, 7 June 2023

June 23, 2023 | Research

This was an application on behalf of the MV Kumar seeking dismissal of the action in rem against the vessel on the grounds that: (1) the plaintiff, United India Marine Services, as an unregistered partnership firm, was incompetent to institute a suit to enforce its claim arising out of contract; and (2) the plaintiff’s claim was not a maritime claim. The applicant also sought the return of the security furnished, along with interest, and damages of INR 2 million for wrongful arrest.

#nuscml #cmi #database

The CML CMI database of Judicial Decisions on International Conventions aims to make these decisions more accessible to the worldwide maritime community, in the hope that this will foster comparative research and uniformity of interpretation of international maritime law. This project, which is undertaken and hosted by the Centre for Maritime Law of the National University of Singapore in collaboration with the Comité Maritime International, builds on the foundation laid by Francesco Berlingieri in his earlier CMI database of jurisprudence on maritime conventions.

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