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  • CML Port Side EOT Gathering Students Dinner

CML Port Side EOT Gathering Students Dinner

April 26, 2024 | Programmes

Time flies! CML held our final Port Side activity for AY23-24 with an end-of-term dinner for our maritime law students and alumni members. Held at CML office on 26 April 2024, guests included undergraduates, LLM as well as the Graduate Diploma in Maritime Law & Arbitration (GDMLA) students. The Centre had also invited advisory board members as well as recent alumni members to dinner and would like to express our thanks to Mr Leon Alexander, Partner at Clyde & Co, Mr Dedi Affandi, Partner of Rajah Tann for joining us his evening.

CML Port Side is an initiative to provide opportunities for students and young alumni members to engage with the local maritime law community and, by doing so, increase the visibility of the career opportunities that this industry has to offer.