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  • Review of ‘The Law of Wreck’, Nicholas Gaskell, Craig Forrest by Paul Myburgh

Review of ‘The Law of Wreck’, Nicholas Gaskell, Craig Forrest by Paul Myburgh

May 15, 2020 | Research
Paul Myburgh
National University of Singapore (NUS) – Faculty of Law
Date Written: 2019


This note reviews the recently published “Law of Wreck” by Nicholas Gaskell and Craig Forrest. The aim of the book is to provide a comprehensive and detailed examination of all major aspects of modern wreck law. In this, it succeeds admirably. Wreck law, like many other areas of international maritime law, is made up of an intricate and sometimes incoherent landscape of international and domestic, and private and public law regulation, as well as case law and custom. The authors are to be commended for navigating and assisting the reader through this complex terrain so adroitly.

Keywords: Wreck, Collision, Casualty, Nairobi Wreck Convention, Underwater Cultural Heritage


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