


Dr Michiel Spanjaart was a Post-doctoral Fellow at NUS from August 2013 – July 2015 and MPA Visiting Professor of Maritime Law at NUS in August 2015, teaching an intensive elective course on Multimodal Transport Law. Since then, he had taught and visited NUS Law as Senior Visiting Research Fellow on several occasions.  Michiel is currently a lecturer at the Erasmus University in Rotterdam (the Netherlands) as well as advisor at Kneppelhout & Korthals Advocaten. He is the founding partner of Rotterdam law firm, Trains & Co., and formerly a partner with Padberg Spanjaart, and before that with DLA Piper. His practice areas include transport, insurance and commercial law.


  • Straight bills of lading”, CML Seminar, NUS Law, 08 July 2022
  • “Towards an electronic straight bill of lading”, CML Lunch Seminar, NUS Law, 20 July 2022

Selected Publications

  • M. Spanjaart, The Straight Bill of LadingRoutledge 2023
  • M. Spanjaart, Multimodal Transport Law, Routledge 2017
  • M. Spanjaart, The successive carrier: a relic from the past Uniform Law Review – Revue de droit uniforme 2016, 1-12
  • M. Spanjaart, Transfennica v. Schenker, the system of articles 17 and 23 CMR TranspR 2016, 383
  • M. Spanjaart, Endorsement, delivery, possession and holdership (2015) 21 JIML 18 (The Erin Schulte)
  • M. Spanjaart, The surrender of the bill of lading ‘duly endorsed’ (2014) 20 JIML 327
  • M. Spanjaart, Vorderingsrechten uit cognossement (Rights of suit under a bill of lading), Paris 2012
  • M. Spanjaart, Godafoss, The applicability of the CMR within multimodal contracts of carriage, TranspR 2012, 278
  • M. Spanjaart, The Konnossementsbegebungsvertrag – a suggestion for further reformation, TranspR 2011, 335
  • M. Spanjaart, Rechtsmacht in verzekeringszaken (Jurisdiction in insurance matters), NTHR 2006, 225
  • M. Spanjaart, De Himalaya-clausule en de derdenwerking van algemene voorwaarden (The Himalaya-clause and the operation of general conditions against third parties), TVR 2006, 84
  • M. Spanjaart & E.J.L. Bulthuis, Het hellend vlak tussen de objectieve maatstaf en het Haviltex criterium, of de uitleg van cognossementsbepalingen (The gliding scale between the objective norm and the Haviltex-criterion, or the interpretation of the provisions of the bill of lading), WPNR 2004, 399

Working Papers