
Visiting Senior Research Fellow


In Residence

3 November 2022 to 2 January 2023

Emily Lee (LLB, LLM, PhD) is the Director of the Asian Institute of International Financial Law (AIIFL) and Associate Professor at the Faculty of Law of the University of Hong Kong. Her research interests are in the fields of financial law, FinTech regulations and policies, corporate insolvency law, cross-border insolvency law and comparative law. Her research work has been published by leading peer-reviewed journals such as the American Journal of Comparative Law, Law and Contemporary Problems, Journal of Corporate Law Studies, Journal of Business Law and Common Law World Review. Her work has been cited by McKinsey & Company’s McKinsey Global Institute, the Financial Services Development Council (a high-level, cross-sectoral advisory body established by the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government), a former US bankruptcy judge and academics, among others. She is also a member of the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law (UNCITRAL)’s expert group.