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Competition Law in the ASEAN Economic Community Conference: “Is Harmonisation Achievable?”

March 18, 2023 | In the News

At the 54th ASEAN Economic Ministers Meeting in September 2022, negotiations between ASEAN Member States (AMSs) commenced to develop a formal cooperation agreement that would facilitate cross-border cooperation and coordination on competition law and policy matters among AMSs. 

On 17 March 2023, the EW Barker Centre for Law & Business (EWBCLB) organised the Competition Law in the ASEAN Economic Community Conference at NUS Law. This conference aimed to explore the opportunities and challenges faced by the ASEAN Economic Community in achieving substantive convergence or harmonisation between the competition laws of the AMSs. Competition law experts from Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Thailand, Vietnam and Singapore presented on the prospects of achieving pro-harmonisation reforms to their respective national competition law frameworks, focusing on two of the most obvious areas for legal convergence: anti-cartel laws and merger control. The conference was attended by 30 participants, including competition law practitioners, competition enforcement agency officers, corporate counsel, academics and students.

Welcome address by Ms Ng Ee Kia from the Competition Commission of Singapore

Associate Professor Pornchai Wisuttisak presenting on Thailand’s merger control laws

Associate Professor Nasarudin Bin Abdul Rahman discussing the possibility of convergence in ASEAN merger control laws

Ms Que Anh Pham presenting on Vietnam’s anti-cartel laws

Associate Professor Burton Ong moderating a panel session on the possibility of convergence in ASEAN competition laws

Participants engaging in a Q&A session

Group photo of conference participants

Photo credits: Bryan Foo