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Array ( [0] => 155 )

Mergers and Acquisitions in Singapore: Law and Practice (Second Edition)

2nd edition
Umakanth Varottil and Wan Wai Yee
LexisNexis, 2023
Array ( [0] => 155 )

Social Enterprises in Asia: A New Legal Form

Ernest Lim
Cambridge University Press, 2023
Array ( [0] => 155 )
Array ( [0] => 154 )

Contract Law in Singapore: Cases, Materials and Commentary

2nd edition
Burton Ong and Benjamin Wong
Academy Publishing, 2022
Array ( [0] => 166 )
Array ( [0] => 159 )

The Law of Trusts

12th edition
James E. Penner
Oxford University Press, 2022
Array ( [0] => 190 )

Corporate Attribution in Private Law

Rachel Leow
Hart Publishing, 2022
Array ( [0] => 148 )

The Law of Personal Property

3rd edition
Michael G. Bridge, Louise Gullifer, Gerard McMeel and Kelvin F.K Low
Sweet & Maxwell, 2021
Array ( [0] => 166 )

Law of Intellectual Property of Singapore

3rd edition
Ng-Loy Wee Loon
Sweet & Maxwell, 2021
Array ( [0] => 155 )

Venture Capital Law in China

Lin Lin
Cambridge University Press, 2021
Array ( [0] => 155 )

Sustainability and Corporate Mechanisms in Asia

Ernest Lim
Cambridge University Press, 2020
Array ( [0] => 148 [1] => 155 )

The Reform Decade: Corporate and Commercial Law in India

1st edition
Umakanth Varottil, Mihir Naniwadekar and V. Niranjan
Eastern Book Company, 2020

Edited Books
Journal Articles
Book Chapters
Working Papers / Policy Papers