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  • NUS Law Academy partners NUS SCALE on International Law Study Programme

NUS Law Academy partners NUS SCALE on International Law Study Programme

June 28, 2024 | Faculty

In March 2024, the NUS Law Academy at NUS Law partnered the NUS School of Continuing and Lifelong Education (SCALE) to host 14 graduate students from China who visited Singapore for a bespoke programme on international law. The Academy had previously organised customised programmes for learners in Singapore, and from countries such as India and Thailand.

The NUS Law Academy was set up in 2018 to provide skills-based, industry-relevant courses necessary for upskilling or reskilling, to enable professionals to remain competitive in the job market and to make a greater impact on the future economy. The Academy also works with local and overseas institutions to tailor programmes that cater to their unique developmental needs.

Orientation Programme on Day 1

The three-month International Law Study Programme gave the graduate students the opportunity to learn about international dispute settlement systems, ASEAN law and policy, and the law of the sea—topics that are crucial for diplomacy in today’s interconnected world.

Lessons were designed with ample discussion opportunities, during which the students participated actively to expand their knowledge and understanding of the dynamics and complexities inherent in international law.

Library Orientation by our ever-helpful Principal Librarian, Ms Lee Su-Lin (centre), at the C.J. Koh Law Library
The class with Associate Professor Tan Hsien-Li (front row, 4th from left), after the last lesson in the ASEAN Law and Policy course

Outside the classroom, students also had the opportunity to experience life in Singapore. Besides visiting places of interest such as the Night Safari, Universal Studios Singapore and the Civic District, they enjoyed Singapore’s wonderful culinary offerings, and even experienced our world-class sporting and event facilities during an international football match at the Singapore National Stadium.

Time-out to enjoy a football match at the Singapore National Stadium
Thrills & spills at Universal Studios Singapore

On 10 June 2024, a farewell dinner was hosted by the Embassy of the People’s Republic of China in Singapore to mark the end of the programme and celebrate the students’ achievements. Each of them had the opportunity to share about their positive experience and fond memories of being a part of the programme.

A group photo with H.E. Cao Zhongming, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the People’s Republic of China to the Republic of Singapore (1st row, centre)

Congratulating the graduates on their completion of this programme, Associate Provost Chai Kah Hin (Masters’ Programme and Lifelong Education) concluded, “As you embark on a new chapter in your lives, may your careers in diplomatic service be filled with success, fulfilment, and meaningful contributions to the global community.”

[NUS Law Academy and SCALE welcome enquiries for bespoke programmes for groups with specific learning needs. For enquiries, please contact Ms Elizabeth Chua at NUS Law Academy (email: or Ms Cassie Dong at SCALE (email: ]