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Virtual Graduation Ceremony: Graduate Certificate in Criminal Justice – Class of 2020

February 1, 2021 | School

Congratulations to the GCCJ Class of 2020 on the conferment of their Graduate Certificate in Criminal Justice!

The GCCJ Programme is a collaboration between the Home Team Academy, Home Team School of Criminal Investigation, and the National University of Singapore’s Faculty of Law, with the support of the Attorney-General’s Chambers, to prepare senior Home Team officers for the future challenges of criminal investigations.

At the GCCJ Virtual Graduation Ceremony held on 25 January 2021, the following 30 Senior Investigation Officers from various departments in the Ministry of Home Affairs graduated that day:

Azhar Bin Sukaimi Lim Han Foong Ronnie Seow Jing Min
Chia Voon Yeow Lim Hao Jun Sim Jinhui
Chua Xin Qian Lim Kian Heng Sim Wan Lin
Chun Yong Seng Lim Kuan Leng Surendran Perumallu
Dorcas Ng Wan Xiu Mohammad Hidayat Bin Mahapandi Syed Mubaruk SO Sabedeen
Huang Shuhua Ng Jie Li Jeremy Tay Hup Boon
Huang Ting Feng Noraini Binte Hussain Toh Mei Sze, Violet
Jagathiswari Jaganathan Nornizam Bin Osman Wong Chang Jia, Sabrina
Koh Yu Shan, Cyndi Ong Zhi Xian Xu Jinwei Jereld
Lawrence Seow Kian Peng Pavia Roy Nicholas Xu Samantha, Jialing

Professor Simon Chesterman congratulating the GCCJ graduands for successfully completing the programme during these extraordinary times filled with unprecedented challenges

Chua Xin Qian, from the Ang Mo Kio Police Division, Singapore Police Force, Wong Chang Jia, Sabrina from the Woodlands Police Division, Singapore Police Force and Surendran Perumallu from the Commercial Affairs Department were awarded the Singapore Police Force Special Prizes for topping the programme.

Reflecting on her learning journey as the class valedictorian, Miss Chua Xin Qian stated: “As officers who have chosen to specialize in the investigation realm, I think we would all agree that this opportunity has been priceless in shaping our understanding of the legal basis behind why we do certain things in work. In recent months, several cases have thrown the limelight on quality of investigations within Home Team, and I think we must all do our small part to influence this in our own way, using the knowledge that we have gained over the last year through the NUS Graduate Certificate in Criminal Justice Programme.”

Top Student – Ms Chua Xin Qian receiving the SPF Prize from Ms Florence Chua, Deputy Commissioner, (Investigation & Intelligence), Singapore Police Force, Ministry of Home Affairs

Addressing the Graduating Class, the GCCJ Course Director, Mr Benny Tan ‘12 said, “If you have walked off from this course with some realization of how complex the law and the legal system can be, that I think is something we have value added for you…..It is clear to me that the work of an IO will become increasingly demanding in the years to come. But I am confident that the skills and knowledge you have picked up in this course will stand you in good stead, as you move on to meet rising challenges of being an IO, or in whatever type of work you may do, regardless of wherever you may be posted to.”

We wish the GCCJ Class of 2020 every success in their future!

The GCCJ Class of 2020 with (from top left to right) Ms Florence Chua, Deputy Commissioner, (Investigation & Intelligence), Singapore Police Force, Ministry of Home Affairs, Mr How Kwang Hwee, Director CID, Singapore Police Force, Ministry of Home Affairs, Professor Simon Chesterman (Dean, Faculty of Law) and distinguished guests from NUS, AGC and Ministry of Home Affairs posing for a victory shot

Mr Benny Tan ‘12 (GCCJ Course Director) giving his congratulatory speech from his home

The Class Valedictorian, Ms Chua Xin Qian, sharing anecdotes of how the Class of 2020 embraced challenges in their work as well as studies during the evolving global pandemic situation

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