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Welcome Tea 2018

May 19, 2018 | Student
Dean Simon Chesterman

NUS Law welcomed students who have received offers to enroll in its LL.B. program at a tea session on Saturday 19 May. Enthusiastic parents also joined in to hear more about the diverse range of subjects and pathways that the top law school in Asia has to offer.

Dean Simon Chesterman kicked off the afternoon with a rousing address that gave insights to the rich 60-year history of NUS Law and the myriad achievements of its alumni who have made a name for themselves as judges, lawyers, diplomats, entrepreneurs and even actors!

Vice Dean (Academic Affairs) David Tan spoke about the double degree programmes and the possibilities of reading minors from a wide field that include communications and new media, economics, and business analytics. In addition to NUS Law’s student exchange programme where a student may spend at least a semester at any one of 52 universities in 20 countries, the faculty also invites visiting professors from top law global schools, such as Harvard, Yale, Oxford, Melbourne, Tokyo and Seoul National, to teach intensive modules in Singapore each semester. In addition to the stable of corporate/commercial, banking and international arbitration subjects, some of the more unusual electives include Sports Law, Outer Space Law and Law & Literature.

Vice Dean Tan then chaired the “Straight Talk” session which featured recently graduated students – Benjamin Foo ’15 (Associate, Drew & Napier), Parveen Kaur ’16 (Associate, Allen & Gledhill) and Chua Xyn Yee ’17 (Justices’ Law Clerk, Supreme Court of Singapore) – and current second-year Law-Business Administration DDP student Ryan Kwan ’20 reflecting on their law school experiences and the factors that they had taken into account when choosing a law school.

President of the NUS Law Club, Lim Jun Heng ’20, and Chairperson of the Freshmen Orientation Central Committee, Sia Bao Huei ’21, also addressed the audience.

For more information on the orientation programme, click here:

Vice Dean (Academic Affairs) David Tan
The tea session was attended by students who have received offers to enroll in its LL.B. programme
Straight Talk” featured recent graduates who shared their law school experiences
Chua Xyn Yee ’17 (Justices’ Law Clerk, Supreme Court of Singapore)
Ryan Kwan ’20, current second-year Law-Business Administration DDP student
Parveen Kaur ’16 (Associate, Allen & Gledhill)
Benjamin Foo ’15 (Associate, Drew & Napier)
President of the NUS Law Club, Lim Jun Heng ’20
Chairperson of the Freshmen Orientation Central Committee, Sia Bao Huei ’21
Students at the Welcome Tea 2018
Students at the Welcome Tea 2018
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