Cheng Han, S.C.

Chief Strategy Officer


President, Asian Law Schools Association


Professor Tan Cheng Han, SC was Dean of the NUS law school from 2001 to 2011, Chairman of the E W Barker Centre for Law and Business from 2012 to 2019, and Dean of the City University of Hong Kong School of Law from 2019 to 2022. His present appointments include being Chairman of Singapore Exchange Regulation Pte Ltd, President of the Asian Law Schools Association, and a member of the Singapore Business Federation’s Board of Trustees. He also maintains an active practice as counsel and arbitrator and has received many arbitral appointments as sole, presiding and co-arbitrator.



(65) 6516-3631


LLM (University of Cambridge); LLB (NUS); Senior Counsel, Advocate & Solicitor (Singapore)

Curriculum Vitae

Current Courses

Company Law (A)

Company Law (B)

Professor Tan Cheng Han, SC was Dean of the NUS law school from 2001 to 2011, Chairman of the E W Barker Centre for Law and Business from 2012 to 2019, and Dean of the City University of Hong Kong School of Law from 2019 to 2022. His present appointments include being Chairman of Singapore Exchange Regulation Pte Ltd, President of the Asian Law Schools Association, and a member of the Singapore Business Federation’s Board of Trustees. He also maintains an active practice as counsel and arbitrator and has received many arbitral appointments as sole, presiding and co-arbitrator.

Professor Tan has been active in public service. These include being Chairman of the Public Accountants Oversight Committee, the Media Literacy Council, NTUC First Campus and Caritas Singapore. He has also served as Deputy Chairman of Sport Singapore and the Singapore Exchange’s Listing Advisory Committee, and on the boards of the Competition and Consumer Commission of Singapore and the Accounting and Corporate Regulatory Authority. Professor Tan has also sat as a member of the Military Court of Appeal and as a Specialist Judge.

Recent publications include: “The Metaverse beyond the internet” (2023) Law, Innovation and Technology, DOI: 10.1080/17579961.2023.2245677 (with Daniel Seng); “Vicarious Liability in the Law of Agency” [2022] 2 Journal of Business Law 164; “Implied Terms in Undisclosed Agency” (2021) 84 Modern Law Review 532; “Mixed Ownership Reform and Corporate Governance in China’s State-owned Enterprises” (2020) 53 Vanderbilt Journal of Transnational Law 1055 (with Wang Jiangyu); and “Estoppel in the Law of Agency” (2020) 136 Law Quarterly Review 315. He recently co-edited a book, Intermediaries in Commercial Law (Hart, 2022) to which he contributed a chapter on “Agency, Artificial Intelligence and Algorithmic Agreements”.

  • Agency
  • Contract
  • Corporations Law
  • Legal Education
  • Secured Transactions