
  • Publications
  • The Deputyship Regime under Singapore’s Mental Capacity Act: An Introduction

The Deputyship Regime under Singapore’s Mental Capacity Act: An Introduction

Year of Publication: 2020
Month of Publication: 5
Author(s): Allen Sng Kiat Peng and Tan Kah Wai
Research Area(s): Private Law
Journal Name: Singapore Academy of Law Journal
Volume Number: 32

Mental incapacity is a pressing public issue in Singapore. It is thus surprising that there has been very little academic literature on the laws of mental capacity here. This article seeks to partially remedy this gap by examining the deputyship legal regime under the Mental Capacity Act (Cap 177A, 2010 Rev Ed). Apart from providing a map for those who wish to be acquainted with the deputyship regime, this article will examine the practical issues that litigants-in-person have faced under this legislative regime and consider some solutions to help them overcome such challenges.