
Carver on Charterparties

Year of Publication: 2017
Editor(s): Professor Howard Bennett (Gen Editor) and Professor Stephen Girvin et al.
Research Area(s): Admiralty/Maritime Law
Publisher: Sweet & Maxwell

Written with Professor Howard Bennett (gen ed) and a team of barristers from 7 King's Bench Walk (7KBW), leading shipping chambers in London, Carver on Charterparties forms part of the highly respected British Shipping Law Series. This entirely new book of 1,524 pages is a successor to Carver's Carriage by Sea 13th edn (1982) and a companion work to Carver's Bills of Lading 4th edn (2017). It adopts a thematic approach, rather than one based on particular standard forms, and seeks to present a completely fresh analysis of the subject. As the Preface notes, "[the authors'] aim has been to get to grips with the iron-salt of the law of charterparties, by developing a treatise which focuses on the cases in an area whose life-blood is the common law" (p.xii).

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