


  • Journal Result

  • Book Review

    Book Review: Gore-Browne on Companies (44th Edition) by Boyle & Sykes

    Citation: [1988] Sing JLS 258
  • Book Review

    Book Review: Reform and Development of Private International Law: Essays in Honour of Sir Peter North by James Fawcett (ed)

    Citation: [2004] Sing JLS 258
  • Book Review

    Book Review: The Law Relating to Banking by T.G. Reeday Third Edition 1976

    Citation: [1978] Sing JLS 258
  • Book Review

    Book Review: Data Protection Law in Singapore: Privacy and Sovereignty in an Interconnected World by Simon Chesterman, ed.

    Citation: [2014] Sing JLS 258
    Privacy has been said to be a concept in an utter mess. In his influential treatise, The Rights of Publicity and Privacy (2nd ed., 2005), J. Thomas McCarthy laments: "It is apparent that the word 'privacy' has proven to be a powerful rhetorical battle cry in a plethora of unrelated context. Like the emotive word 'freedom', 'privacy' means so many different things to so many different people that it has lost any preciselegal connotation that it might once have had" (at para. 5.59). Data Protection Law in Singapore, edited by Professor Simon Chesterman, is a timely and muchwelcomed collection of essays that not only address myriad perspectives on the issue of data protection, but also provide tantalising views on the challenges to privacy and sovereignty brought about by the digital revolution. Singapore enacted the Personal Data Protection Act 2012 (Act 26 of 2012) [PDPA] on 15 October 2012 and it came into effect on 2 January 2013, with businesses given 18 months to comply before the PDPA became enforceable on July 2014. The book's examination of the way in which Singapore has responded to the problems brought about by data collection, aggregation, use and dissemination in the 21st century through the enactment of the PDPA will no doubt be of great interest to practitioners, policy makers and legal scholars.
  • Book Review

    Book Review: Sustainability and Corporate Mechanisms in Asia by Ernest Lim

    Citation: [2022] Sing JLS 258
    “Sustainability” is very much on the world’s agenda today. At the recently-held 26th United Nations Climate Change Conference of the Parties, Sir David Attenborough warned that the stability of the Earth’s climate, which had for millennia enabled human civilisation to flourish, is being seriously threatened by human activity in recent times. It is more urgent than ever that humanity must, in Sir Attenborough’s words, “rewrite our story to turn this tragedy into a triumph”. The notion of “sustainability”, however, is not strictly confined to climate or environmental issues. Embedded in most definitions of sustainability are concerns for social equity and economic development. And in this latter regard, the world has had to grapple with the COVID-19 Pandemic, which has profoundly impacted human life on earth over the last two years. As the United Nations (“UN”) noted, “[the Pandemic] is much more than a health crisis. It is a human, economic and social crisis. The coronavirus disease … is attacking societies at their core” (UN Sustainable Development Group, Shared Responsibility, Global Solidarity: Responding to the socio-economic impacts of COVID-19).
  • Book Review

    Book Review: Introduction to Negotiable Instruments by J. McLoughlin

    Citation: [1978] Sing JLS 259
  • Book Review

    Book Review: A Casebook on Contract by J. C. Simth & J. A. C. Thomas

    Citation: [1978] Sing JLS 259
  • Book Review

    Book Review: Criminal Law 3rd Edn. By J.C. Smith & Brian Hogan

    Citation: [1973] Sing JLS 260
  • Book Review

    Book Review: Family Law by Olive M. Stone

    Citation: [1978] Sing JLS 260
  • Book Review

    Book Review: Lewin on Trusts (17th ed) & Lewin on Trusts: First Supplement to the Seventeenth Edition by John Mowbray, Lynton Tucker, Nicholas Le Poidevin & Edwin Simpson; Underhill and Hayton: Law Relating to Trusts and Trustees (16th ed) by David Hayton

    Citation: [2004] Sing JLS 260