


  • Journal Result

  • Article

    Tolerance and Good Neighbourliness as Concepts of International Law

    Citation: [1967] Sing JLS 1
  • Article

    Compulsory Land Acquisition in Singapore

    Citation: [1968] Sing JLS 1
  • Article

    The East India Company and the Crown 1773-1858

    Citation: [1969] Sing JLS 1
  • Article

    The Meaning of Charity in Malaya – A Comparative Study

    Citation: [1970] Sing JLS 1
  • Article

    Fiscal Incentives for Investment in Singapore: The Economic Expansion Incentives (Relief from Income Tax) Act of 1967 and the 1970 Amendment to the Act

    Citation: [1971] Sing JLS 1
  • Article

    The Modern International Conference as a Legislative Forum

    Citation: [1972] Sing JLS 1
  • Article

    Section 30 of Singapore Income Tax Act – The Forgotten Vassal

    Citation: [1973] Sing JLS 1
  • Article

    The Honorable Mr. Philips’ Minute on The Landed Tenures of Prince of Wales’ Island, dated 15th August, 1823

    Citation: [1975] Sing JLS 1
  • Article

    The Law of Legitimacy in Singapore

    Citation: [1976] Sing JLS 1
  • Article

    Twenty One Years of the Faculty of Law, University of Singapore: Reflections of the Dean

    Citation: [1977] Sing JLS 1