
SJLS accepts submissions on a rolling basis and publishes 2 issues a year in March and September.

Submission Guidelines

  • Form of Submission Submissions should be word-processed and double-spaced in Microsoft Word format. Manuscripts must be submitted by using the online submission form and be accompanied with the required information in the form.
  • Graphics The use of graphics, tables and charts should be kept to a minimum. Where the contribution contains such graphics, tables, charts or other significant formatting, one hardcopy, double-spaced and printed single-sided on A4 paper, should accompany the electronic submission. The hardcopy should be addressed to the appropriate editor and sent to:

The Singapore Journal of Legal Studies
Faculty of Law
National University of Singapore
469G Bukit Timah Road
Singapore 259776

  • Maximum Length Contributions should generally be between 10,000-15,000 words (including footnotes and appendices). Submissions exceeding the word limit may be considered on their merits. Case and legislation comments should generally be around 5,000 words. Book reviews should generally be no more than 2000 words.
  • Contact Details Contributors should include with their submission a delivery address, and an e-mail address through which they can be contacted.
  • Complimentary Copies Contributors of articles and case and legislation comments will receive a digital copy of their article or comment and a copy of the issue in which their article or comment is published. Contributors of book reviews will receive a digital copy of the book reviews section of the issue in which their review is published.
  • Book Reviews Books reviewed will become the property of the reviewer on publication of the review.
  • Proposals for a Special Feature or Symposium The Singapore Journal of Legal Studies invites proposals for a symposium or special feature on a theme related to Singapore and/or the common law to be published in a future issue of the Singapore Journal of Legal Studies. Such symposia may be composed of between 4 to 7 articles, not including an introduction by a guest editor(s) who will convene the symposium. Strong proposals for symposia with fewer or more articles will also be considered. Symposium topics should fit well within the journal’s focus areas. Articles submitted as part of a symposium will be subject to the normal peer review process. Submissions should be addressed to email:

A symposium proposal should include the following:

  • A statement of a maximum of 1,500 words describing the subject-matter and the proposed contribution of the symposium to the relevant field of scholarship.
  • A draft table of contents identifying proposed contributors.
  • Abstracts for each of the expected papers indicating each paper’s contribution to the theme of the symposium.
  • A brief biodata for each of the proposed editors of the symposium.
  • The proposed date for submission.