AI & Copyright: Understanding Authorship, Infringement and Fair Use

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  • AI & Copyright: Understanding Authorship, Infringement and Fair Use


Time:4:00 pm to 6:00 pm (SGT)
Venue:Singapore Academy of Law
#08-06 The Adelphi
1 Coleman St
Type of Participation:Open To Public


This seminar brings together practitioners, policymakers and academia to discuss some of the salient challenges facing copyright law in the 21st century brought about by the rapid development of artificial intelligence (AI). The seminar focuses on the Singapore Copyright Act 2021 with comparative analysis of statutory and judicial positions in the US, EU, UK and China. It covers issues relating to authorship, infringement and fair use.


Professor David Tan
(Co-Director (Centre for Technology, Robotics, AI & the Law, NUS)
Introduction and Overview                                                                         

Dr Stanley Lai, SC
(Head (IP Practice), Allen & Gledhill)
AI Authorship & Copyright                                                                        

Mr Lau Kok Keng
(Head (IP, Sports & Gaming Practice, Rajah & Tann Singapore)
Infringement – Machine Learning Input and Generative AI Output      

Mr Tony Yeo
(Managing Director (IP Practice), Drew & Napier)
Computational Data Analysis Exception and Fair Use                            


Ms Trina Ha
(Chief Legal Counsel, IPOS)
Copyright Act 2021 and Future Developments

Panel Discussion and Q&A (moderated by Prof David Tan)                   

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