Wee Liang

Visiting Researcher

Wee Liang graduated from NUS in 2022 with a Bachelor of Laws. Currently, besides being a Visiting Researcher at the Centre for Technology, Robotics, Artificial Intelligence & the Law, Wee Liang is also a Research Assistant at the Centre for International Law, where he conducted research on ocean law and policy.


In Residence

15 July 2022 to 14 July 2024

Wee Liang graduated from NUS in 2022 with a Bachelor of Laws. Currently, besides being a Visiting Researcher at the Centre for Technology, Robotics, Artificial Intelligence & the Law, Wee Liang is also a Research Assistant at the Centre for International Law, where he conducted research on ocean law and policy. While studying in NUS, Wee Liang’s interest in the intersection of law and technology led him to be a Research Assistant under Professor David Tan, and to undertake a research project on copyright in AI-generated works, which won the NUS Outstanding Undergraduate Researcher Prize. As part of his broader interest in technology beyond the law, he interned at a food tech venture capital firm in Shanghai, and completed technopreneurship modules at Fudan University and NUS, as part of the NUS Overseas Colleges programme

Journal Articles

Tan Wee Liang, “Evaluating the Duty of Utmost Good Faith In Light of the SAL Law Reform Committee’s Report on Reforming Insurance Law in Singapore’” (2022) 13 Juris Illuminae 1

Wee Liang Tan and David Tan, “AI, Author, Amanuensis” (2022) 5(2) Journal of Intellectual Property Studies 1

  • Copyright Law
  • Trademark Law
  • ESG Duties of Asset Managers
  • Insurance Law
  • Law of the Sea