中文讲座:一个基层女检察官眼中的中国检察制度 – China’s Public Procuracy System in the Eyes of a Female Procurator

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  • 中文讲座:一个基层女检察官眼中的中国检察制度 – China’s Public Procuracy System in the Eyes of a Female Procurator


Speaker:Ms Xie Jue, Changning District Procuratorate of the Shanghai Municipality, People's Republic of China
Time:12:00 pm to 2:00 pm (SGT)
Venue:Seminar Room 4-3, Block B, NUS Law (Bukit Timah Campus)
Type of Participation:Open To NUS Law Community


The Procuracy, or Procuratorate, is a state bureau in China invested with the responsibilities of presenting the case in criminal trials against the suspects and of supervising the observance of the law by courts and police. The procuracy system in China has undergone tremendous changes since the late 1970s, marked by the revision of the PRC Criminal Law and Criminal Procedure Law that first took place in 1997. The speaker has worked in a local procuratorate in Shanghai for more than 17 years and she will offer a critical introduction about China’s procuracy system based on her personal experiences and observations. The Seminar will be conducted in Chinese Putonghua.

About The Speaker

Xie Jue graduated from the East China University Political Science and Law (ECUPL) in 1997 and joined Shanghai’s procuracy system in the same year. She is now a public procurator in the Changning District Procuratorate of the Shanghai Municipality. During her 17 years of public service as a state prosecutor, she has worked in divisions concerning anticorruption, crime investigation, public prosecution, and legal research. She has won numerous professional awards, including one for investigation and prosecution of a major drug related crime and several for her written pleadings. She also appears regularly as special guests on law-related TV programmes in Shanghai. Her research interest focus mainly on occupational crimes and financial crimes.

Fees Applicable


Contact Information

(E) cals@nus.edu.sg

Organised By

Centre for Asian Legal Studies

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