
  • Publications
  • Authority and Plurality in Muslim Legal Traditions: The Case of Ismaili Law

Authority and Plurality in Muslim Legal Traditions: The Case of Ismaili Law

Year of Publication: 2018
Month of Publication: 3
Author(s): Arif A Jamal
Research Area(s): Islamic Law
Name of Working Paper Series:

NUS Law Working Paper

WPS Paper Number: LAW-WPS-1808

Islamic law is often said to be very pluralistic due to its interpretational variations. At the level of sources, however, accounts of Islamic law have generally emphasized the reliance on a set of major 'roots' of law, with other lesser sources. This paper discusses on the case of Nizari Ismaili law in historical as well as contemporary terms, elaborating its authority structure, especially the concept of Imamat and role of the Imam, as well as using it to strengthen the case that plurality in Islamic law can and should be extended to a plurality of sources as well as of rules.

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