
  • Publications
  • The Unavoidability of Evaluation for Interest Theories of Rights

The Unavoidability of Evaluation for Interest Theories of Rights

Year of Publication: 2020
Month of Publication: 7
Author(s): Mark McBride
Research Area(s): Legal Theory
Journal Name: Canadian Journal of Law & Jurisprudence
Volume Number: 33
Issue Number: 2

In debates over rights, as much as, or perhaps more than, in any philosophical debate, it is important to see the wood from the trees. A little while ago, new life was breathed into debates over rights, as a new candidate theory emerged to rival the extant options. More specifically, Gopal Sreenivasan’s hybrid theory of (claim-) rights emerged to rival both will theory and interest theory. This new hybrid theory underwent a series of skirmishes with the interest theory. Moving from the wood, one principal ground over which battle ensued is the so-called third party beneficiary issue. And, more specifically still, descending into the trees, a particular problem within the foregoing third party beneficiary debate centred on what I shall dub Gopal’s Granny, a case wielded by Gopal Sreenivasan, particularly against one of the foremost defenders of the interest theory, Matthew Kramer.

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