
  • Publications
  • 一带一路”语境下中国应采纳《跨境破产示范法》之 理由与风险应对 (Why China Should Adopt the UNCITRAL Model Law on Cross-Border Insolvency in the Context of the Belt-Road Initiative: Reasons and Risk Management)

一带一路”语境下中国应采纳《跨境破产示范法》之 理由与风险应对 (Why China Should Adopt the UNCITRAL Model Law on Cross-Border Insolvency in the Context of the Belt-Road Initiative: Reasons and Risk Management)

Year of Publication: 2021
Month of Publication: 1
Author(s): Wee Meng Seng and Qiu Teng
Research Area(s): Bankruptcy and Insolvency
Journal Name: Fudan University Law Review
Volume Number: 8
Issue Number: 1

By examining the special features of cross-border insolvency affecting the Belt-Road Initiative (BRI), this article explains that it is crucial for China to ensure that its cross-border insolvency law is fit for the purposes of the BRI. The current law is unsatisfactory, as may be seen in Hanjin Shipping's decision not to seek recognition of its Korean restructuring proceeding in China. China wants to cooperate more in cross-border insolvency, but it is concerned that recognizing foreign insolvency proceedings will prejudice China's interests. This article explains that the logic and limits of the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law's Model Law on Cross-Border Insolvency is enlightened self-interest, which leads to recognition being very limited and distinguished from relief and relief being based on domestic law. Thus, it is argued that the adoption of the Model Law will not prejudice China's interests.

本文以“一带一路”倡议为语境背景,先考察了“一带一路”各参与辖区及中国在跨境破产方面的发展状况,而后介绍《贸易法委员会跨境破产示范法》(UNCITRAL model law on Cross-Border Insolvency, 以下简称“《示范法》”)的理性利己主义(enlightened self-interest)的逻辑内涵,接着论证中国应采纳《示范法》的理由,最后谈及中国在采纳《示范法》后的风险应对。
从韩国韩进海运株式会社(以下简称“韩进海运”)破产案中可以窥知,当前中国跨境破产的相关规定尚不尽人意,对损害自身利益的担忧阻碍了中国通过采纳《示范法》来加强跨境破产国际合作的计划。因此,本文将重点阐述以下几个方面来缓解忧虑并论证中国应采纳《示范法》的理由:首先,《示范法》的逻辑内涵为理性利己主义;其次,《示范法》提供的承认(recognition)效果非常有限并且独立于救济(relief);再次,采纳国(enacting State)是否提供救济及提供救济的范围主要是依据其国内法的规定。因此,在对《示范法》的具体规定进行深入地介绍与分析后,本文认为采纳《示范法》不会损害中国的利益。最后,考虑到中国存在进行国际合作的强烈动力以及《示范法》作为跨境破产国际合作领域的黄金标准,本文认为中国应该采纳《示范法》。另外,虽然采纳《示范法》本身并不会损害中国利益,但鉴于实施中仍可能存在一些风险,本文于后记处提出几点应对措施。

Additional Information: In Chinese
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