
Arbitration and Comparative Law

Year of Publication: 2021
Month of Publication: 10
Author(s): Gary F. Bell
Research Area(s): Arbitration
Book Title: The Cambridge Companion to International Arbitration
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
Abstract: Comparisons can be theoretical but they become very practical when one has to choose between two or more options. Given the centrality of party autonomy in arbitration, i.e. the centrality of the parties’ choices, given the great discretion tribunals have in making choices when the parties have not done so, and given the need to understand often unfamiliar chosen laws, it is not surprising that comparative law plays a central role in international arbitration. The importance of comparative law to arbitration was emphasised in an article by Professor René David, one of the most famous professors of comparative law, which was published only a year after the signature of the New York Convention (translation in the footnote)
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