
Constitutional Rights: Text, Cases & Materials

Year of Publication: 2023
Month of Publication: 1
Author(s): Kevin Y.L. Tan and Jaclyn L. Neo
Research Area(s): Constitutional and Administrative Law
Publisher: Sweet & Maxwell

Constitutional Rights: Text, Cases & Materials is a thought-provoking casebook designed for persons concerned with civil liberties. The comprehensive text covers important topics and landmark cases on constitutional rights in Malaysia, with broad exposition and detailed analysis of the law as provided by the Federal Constitution.

The book provides a helpful overview of each topic before presenting essential readings in the form of extracts of leading cases, scholarly articles and book chapters carefully selected by the editors. Incisive notes and questions made available after the essential readings stimulate critical thought and discussion which lead to a close appreciation of the topic. Additional references cited set out signposts for further research. Collectively, the readings and the analytical notes provide valuable insights to a thorough understanding of Malaysian constitutional theory and its contemporary application.

The topics on right to equality and equal protection, protection of life and liberty, rights of an accused person, protection against retrospective criminal laws and double jeopardy, freedom of religion, freedom of speech, assembly and association, language and education, right to property and citizenship are analytically discussed. Case authorities are thoroughly explained and critically examined. Comparative study against foreign statutes and cases provide fresh perspectives to the Malaysian position.

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