
May 2016

Stay in touch with us as NUS Law Matters brings to you the latest news from the faculty! Conceptualised to keep in close touch with our Alumni and friends, NUS Law Matters is a light online newsletter supplementing the now annual print version of LawLink. We hope you enjoy reading these updates!

Joshua Hiew '17 Ranked Top Oralist at Jessup International Moots 2016

The NUS Law team was named the Best Overall Applicant Team for the best combined Applicant memorial and oralist scores; and had three speakers in the top 10 individual oralist rankings: Joshua Hiew was ranked 1st, Victor Leong 2nd, and Victor Yao in 7th place.

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NUS Law Awarded Powell Gilbert Prize at 14th Annual Oxford Intellectual Property Law Moot

NUS Law brought home the coveted Powell Gilbert Prize for the Best Written Submission, a feat last achieved in 2007, and emerged as quarter-finalists in the 14th Annual Oxford Intellectual Property Law Moot. This moot was organised by Oxford University and was held in Oxford, England from 17-20 March 2016. The team comprised of Sam Yi Ting '16 and Kelly Tseng '16, who was also ranked 5th in the Top Individual Speakers List.

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Team NUS Law Excels in Debut at the 7th Air Law Moot Court Competition

Team NUS Law has emerged as the first runner-up at the 7th International Air Law Moot Court Competition, held in Jakarta, Indonesia, from 7-10 April 2016. The team comprising Ling Jia Yu '16, Benjamin Goh '16 and Louis Lim '16 (Team Captain), also clinched the Best Respondent's Memorial award. 

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Moot Team Shines at International Moot Competitions in Shanghai, Hong Kong, Budapest and Vienna

The NUS team made milestone achievements at this year's edition of the Wilem C. Vis Commercial Arbitration Moot. The team:
• Won the Moot Shanghai, beating almost 30 teams;
• Went on to Hong Kong, beating more than 100 teams to emerge as semi-finalists;
• Argued at the Budapest Moot, emerging 2nd place against more than 50 teams; and
• Placed in the top 16 in Vienna, against more than 300 teams.

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A Legacy to Lift Law Students

“In Singapore, education is a great leveller. With a sound education, you can achieve many goals. It doesn’t matter who your parents are. When I help young students pursue their education, there is a multiplier effect when they in turn go on to help many others when they do well later in life,” says Madam Agnes Sng '84, who has nominated the National University of Singapore (NUS) Faculty of Law as the beneficiary of her CPF and has also pledged her body to research and education at the University.

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Hong Kong Alumni Reunion

On a cool Friday evening of 15 April 2016, more than 100 NUS alumni from various faculties gathered at the AVA Restaurant Slash Bar located at Hotel Panorama in Tsim Sha Tsui, Hong Kong. This Hong Kong Alumni Reunion was organised by the NUS Office of Alumni Relations in collaboration with the NUS Hong Kong Alumni Chapter. 

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Upcoming Reunions

Dear Alumni from the Class of 1996,
Your class will be celebrating your 20th Anniversary soon!

Date: 23 July 2016, Saturday
Time: 6.30 pm
Venue: The National University of Singapore Society (NUSS) Kent Ridge Guild House
9 Kent Ridge Drive
Singapore 119241
Cost: Registration is free for all Class of 1996 alumni and will be S$50.00 per head for guests

Almost 50 classmates have signed up already! To join in the fun, please register here.

Dear Alumni from the Class of 2001,
Please join us at your 15th Anniversary Reunion, details as follows:

Date: 30 July 2016, Saturday
Time: 12:00 - 3:00 pm
Venue: The University Club: Lounge and Dining Rooms
Shaw Foundation Alumni House, Storey 4
11 Kent Ridge Drive
Singapore 119244
Cost: Registration is free for all Class of 2001 alumni and will be S$50.00 per head for other guests (no charge for children below 9)

To register for this event, please click here. We hope to see you there!

Dear Alumni from Class of 1986,
Your class will be celebrating your 30th year since graduation on Saturday 27 August 2016 at 6:30pm. More details of the reunion will be provided once they are finalised. Meanwhile, please do save the date and help to spread the word to your classmates near and far!

Finally, Alumni from the Classes of 1966, 1971, 1976 , 1981 and 1991, please contact Jo-Ann Chan '97 (; 6601 2248) if you are keen on celebrating your anniversaries this year and we can help you to plan (and pay for) the gathering!

Meanwhile, please update your contact details with us at: so that we can keep you informed of the latest news and events.